+ alastairhumphreys.com Alastair is a round-the-world solo cyclist, now cum adventurer
+ thehungrycyclist.com Tom cycles around the world looking for the best dishes
+ St Johns Street Cycles (Thorn bikes)
+ takeaseat.org Dom cycled on a tandem with trailer from top to toe North to South America
+ acrosscontinents.org Ken cycled for about 4 years around the world 2009-13
+ radausflug.org Philip and Manu cycling from Anchorage to Tierra del Fuego 2009-10.
+ jeanamsud.over-blog.com Jean cycled tip to toe of South America in 2009.
+ cyclingthe6.com Steve cycled the length of the 6 continents 2010-16
+ paintsandpedalsworldbybike Deborah's cycling trip, set off May 2010